Category: Wayne Jacobsen Podcast

  • [#22] Wayne Jacobsen – Interview on the Nomad Podcast

    [#22] Wayne Jacobsen – Interview on the Nomad Podcast

    Listen to this interview to get all your questions answered about following Jesus outside of institutional Christianity.

  • Wayne Jacobsen – Wayne’s Journey into Living Loved

    Wayne Jacobsen – Wayne’s Journey into Living Loved

    Lots of people think that those who leave the Sunday morning gathering of the church have abandoned God, left Jesus, and started down the slippery slope into apostasy. This interview between Wayne Jacobsen and Jeff Herr shows that such ideas are not true.

  • Wayne Jacobsen – The Cross is a Cure, not a Punishment

    Wayne Jacobsen – The Cross is a Cure, not a Punishment

    When you look at the cross of Jesus, what is it that comes to mind about God? Do you see Jesus rescuing us from the wrath of God so that God’s anger about sin falls on Jesus instead of us? Or do you see God and Jesus working together, with one mind and one purpose, not to rescue us form God’s wrath, but rather to rescue us from the destruction caused by sin?

  • Wayne Jacobsen – Holding to the Center

    Wayne Jacobsen – Holding to the Center

    Do you enjoy reading, studying, and learning about theology, or is it more of a cuss-word for you? I imagine that if you are listening to a podcast from, that you are part of the former group. You are someone who enjoys theology. If so, do you know anyone who does not like theology? I invite you to recognize that they have probably been burned and damaged by theologians in the past, and to not judge or condemn them for staying clear of theological pursuits.