living loved Wayne Jacobsen

Wayne Jacobsen – Wayne’s Journey into Living Loved

[app_audio src=”″][contentblock id=4 img=html.png]Lots of people think that those who leave the Sunday morning gathering of the church have abandoned God, left Jesus, and started down the slippery slope into apostasy. In fact, just recently I heard John Piper say that if someone leaves the Sunday morning gathering of the church, they have left Jesus Christ. Those are strong words! But are they true?

This interview between Wayne Jacobsen and Jeff Herr shows that such ideas are not true.

In this interview, Jeff Herr talks to Wayne Jacobsen about his own journey of following Jesus away from the Sunday morning institutional way of doing church and into a more relational way of living within the Father’s affection. If you are one of those people who have left the Sunday morning institutional setting, you might occasionally get questions from other people about what is going on in your life.

Here are some of the questions Wayne addresses in this podcast:

living loved Wayne Jacobsen

  1. You can’t leave the church. Don’t you know what the church is?
  2. Okay, so you have left the church. Does that mean you hate church?
  3. You seem pretty down on the institutional church. In your view, does the institutional church do anything well?
  4. But if you leave the church – or the Sunday morning gathering version of it – what will keep you from falling into error and heresy?
  5. How are you going to raise your children into godly ways and teach them about God and the Bible if they are not in church?

Those are a few of the questions that often get asked. This podcast includes discussion of these sorts of questions, and several more.

There is a Part 2 to this interview, which you can listen to by accessing Wayne’s Podcast on iTunes.




