Category: Darin Hufford Podcast

  • [#24] Darin Hufford – Jesus Camp

    [#24] Darin Hufford – Jesus Camp

    Many of our churches are little more than places where spiritual and religious abuse is heaped upon people week in and week out. People are manipulated and controlled in the name of God to act a certain way, think certain things, and live a certain way. This documentary called Jesus Camp shows what sometimes happens to adults as well.

  • [#19] Darin Hufford – What About Sex

    [#19] Darin Hufford – What About Sex

    I firmly believe that since Christians are uncomfortable talking about sex, this leads to shame and fear abotu sex, which in turns leads to why there are so many problems with sexual issues in the church today. If we cannot talk about sexual issues out in the open, then sexual issues and temptations can never be dealt with in an open and honest manner.

  • Darin Hufford – The Relief Project

    Darin Hufford – The Relief Project

    Darin and Hans want to start a Sunday morning church service to help people see that they do not need a Sunday morning church service. They want to plant a church to help people see that we do not need to attend church because we are the church.

  • Darin Hufford – Leaving God Out of It

    Darin Hufford – Leaving God Out of It

    Why do you love people? Why do you minister to people? Why do you reach out to others? If it is out of obedience to God, or duty to some religious requirement to share your faith, or a sense of obligation to save souls from hell, or maybe to invite people to your church so they can hear the gospel, or maybe to fix their lives and free them from sin, let me invite you to just stop.

  • Darin Hufford – Spirit Eyes

    Darin Hufford – Spirit Eyes

    In this episode, Darin and Hans discuss a quote from Brandon Armstrong. It was this: If you read the Bible without the Holy Spirit, it is as valuable as reading the Sunday newspaper; if you read the Bible with the Holy Spirit, it is as valuable as reading Harry Potter with the Holy Spirit. That is a challenging thought! In this episode, Darin and Hans discuss this idea more.