Author: Jeremy Myers

  • [#18] Brian Zahnd – The Suffering God

    [#18] Brian Zahnd – The Suffering God

    God is with you in your pain. He is present in your suffering. Just like Jesus, God is acquainted with grief and sorrow. Lots of theologians are uncomfortable with this idea, but I believe it is a truth which helps us relate to God like never before.

  • [#17] – Greg Boyd – The Twilight Zone (Colossians 3:13)

    [#17] – Greg Boyd – The Twilight Zone (Colossians 3:13)

    Lots of people have a view of God which makes them think God will only love them as long as they obey Him and do what He says. If they mess up, God will hate them, and potentially send them to suffer in hell for eternity. But as Greg Boyd shows in this sermon, God is not like that at all.

  • Kathy Escobar Interview – Breaking the Church Addiction

    Kathy Escobar Interview – Breaking the Church Addiction

    I recently caught up with Kathy Escobar and I interviewed here for the podcast about her life and ministry. Listen in and learn!

  • Darin Hufford – The Relief Project

    Darin Hufford – The Relief Project

    Darin and Hans want to start a Sunday morning church service to help people see that they do not need a Sunday morning church service. They want to plant a church to help people see that we do not need to attend church because we are the church.

  • N. T. Wright – The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

    N. T. Wright – The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

    The Parable of the Prodigal Son has been an endless source of fascination and interest for me. It seems like every year I learn something new about this parable that causes me to see the parable in a whole new way.

  • Jonathan Martin – Nothing Deeper Than Love

    Jonathan Martin – Nothing Deeper Than Love

    With Valentines Day just around the corner, I though it would be appropriate to share a message on love from Jonathan Martin.

  • Brian Zahnd – God’s Green Earth (Genesis 1:31)

    Brian Zahnd – God’s Green Earth (Genesis 1:31)

    In this sermon, Brian Zahnd shows us that taking care of the environment, of the animals, the plants, the oceans, and the air, is the very first vocation given by God to mankind, is the vocation redeemed by Jesus in His resurrection, and is also the vocation to which we are all called as members of the Kingdom of God.

  • Wayne Jacobsen – Wayne’s Journey into Living Loved

    Wayne Jacobsen – Wayne’s Journey into Living Loved

    Lots of people think that those who leave the Sunday morning gathering of the church have abandoned God, left Jesus, and started down the slippery slope into apostasy. This interview between Wayne Jacobsen and Jeff Herr shows that such ideas are not true.

  • Darin Hufford – Leaving God Out of It

    Darin Hufford – Leaving God Out of It

    Why do you love people? Why do you minister to people? Why do you reach out to others? If it is out of obedience to God, or duty to some religious requirement to share your faith, or a sense of obligation to save souls from hell, or maybe to invite people to your church so they can hear the gospel, or maybe to fix their lives and free them from sin, let me invite you to just stop.

  • Greg Boyd – God’s Shadow Activity

    Greg Boyd – God’s Shadow Activity

    In this podcast, Greg Boyd argues that the violence of God is actually the shadow of God, and we must not confuse the God as revealed in Jesus with the shadow of God in the Old Testament. In this way, he says the violent portrayals of God point beyond Himself to something better, which is what is revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.